View from Karpathos

View from Karpathos

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Portrait of "Blink Blink Girl".

Night-time is absolutely the best time to focus on new things. Portraits have, honestly to say, not been "my business" but I started to train them last night (I am living during night-time because the darkness of Finnish late autumn - I tend to sleep during day-time).

After drawing landscapes and buildings already over 20 years, I am not afraid to seek the shapes of faces. What is difficult are the shadows and tones.

I tried to finish the shadowed areas by using a heavy pencil hand and then lighten the shadows with an eraser. This technique works but may result an uneven shadow (ref. the left-side cheek of the girl). Very thin lines may be a better solution?

I told my wife this morning that "I have spent my time with commercial girls: they have all the time of the world and they do not get angry if the final drawing isn't good".

Next I try my color pencil. Let's see....

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