View from Karpathos

View from Karpathos

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I think that I shall do some selecting and mapping of my old photos. There are so many of them, and in addition, I have saved their copies several times on my hard discs! How can I find them and delete those  which only lead to the lack of free disc space?

Sometimes, in the middle of this busy (and, honestly to say) not so nice job I can find something interesting like this one among all unimportant staff: a smoggy, quiet city morning in Jyväskylä, Finland, some 6 - 7 years ago.

My next question will be: shall I try to transfer this view on a paper/canvas or thrust on its strength as a photo? All the shades of grey should be visible in the final piece of art. Graphical style should be stored, but how? "B&W Rules"?

- I continue to think. Sometimes, however, it would be better to leave things like they are. But...?

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